This period saw the introduction of a subset of my friends on there who could see some uncensored stuff. There were maybe eight of my three hundred seventy-something friends on it, and they saw maybe five statuses that no one else did.
So, uh, happy Gregorian New Year, and enjoy!
It was a moment of intense, supernatural realization. The universe suddenly made sense. Armed with this newfound knowledge, I could take the whole bloody thing on, hand to void, and win. Ask the alarm clock. It took it.
Those graduate gowns are a wonderful shade of Cubbie Blue......
Toto...I've a feeling we're not on Campus anymore.
"Had you taken your antidepressants the day you committed the murder?"
"I honestly don't remember."
One of the few downsides of not having a mobile device is the inability to capture a photo or video of three people at the same table at a restaurant, all on their own mobile devices, completely silent.
On second thought, maybe that's all right.
Tabasco status. To spice up your news feed.
If pleasure is childish, I don't want to be an adult.
Have you noticed that we have "budding" geniuses but "bloomin'" idiots?
I'm too full of my own to take any of yours.
I could feel my brain ripping neatly in two. Although a sharp and abrupt sensation, it wasn't terribly painful. I knew that everything would be all right.
I was always rather self-absorbed. For years, I thought Lamaze was some kind of macramé-type artsy thing.
Some guitarists like to use picks; some prefer bare fingers. Different strokes, eh?
Great words in the English language: Awkward. It is as it says.
I tried hitting the Refresh button. It didn't work. I'm still groggy, high-strung and cranky.
The university's "spam digest" used to just leave me alone if I hadn't gotten any e-mails that qualified as spam that day. Now it sends me "0 new messages" e-mails.
"She used to be younger than you, but now she's your age." —my mom
I suppose that, as a Cubs fan, I should actually admire spammers and the like. Stayin' positive. Keepin' at it.
It's a nasty job, but someone's gotta do it. Or so we think.
"Smart as a whip". How is a whip smart? Does it drive the horses? Nothing with which we associate whips today connotes "smart". "Sadistically sexy as a whip", maybe. But not particularly smart.
I'm not always certain whether they're fruit flies or eye floaters.
Kvetch 22. You can't deal with something without complaining, but the complaining just makes the thing more difficult to deal with.
Life's simple pleasures: sucking the pimientos out of olives.
Things people say that bug me: "I'm just sayin'." To me, this implies that there's no thought behind the words. No substance. Just emptily sayin'. Just thought I ought to tell you.
Zombie mother to her children: "Eat your noodles!"
Hands-free phones: Allowing people who talk to themselves to not seem so crazy.
I saw a magazine cover that advertised "Ten style rules to break now!" Is it actually possible for style to be its own absence? Doesn't it render the whole thing meaningless? Maybe the new style is golf attire.
Why do we "write stuff down" but "type stuff up"?
I don't watch CSI or whichever show it is that he's on, but I figure Gary Sinise is a good actor by the fact that he seemed genuinely enthusiastic when performing the seventh inning stretch at the Cubs game.
"The Face Book" — the name of a book sitting on a table in the waiting area at the cosmetic surgeon's
Life's simple pleasures: Listening to the dogs crunch when I've given them croutons.
(Is it just me, or do all my "life's simple pleasures" involve food?)
A tiny spider
Roaming 'round the monitor
Trying to get down
I think the spiders are trying to tell me something by using me, at this position before the computer, to build their web from the ceiling.
You might be on Facebook a bit too much if, while driving someone else's car, a good while into the trip, you suddenly notice the little blue sticker in the bottom left of the windshield, and you think you got a notification.
I wonder if Lady Gaga is popular enough to get her own Google app. I'd enjoy hearing all the grown men and women talking about Google Gaga.
Watching my e-mail
For something personal that
Will kick my head in
Idle (or Idol) observation: Steven Tyler is appearing in drug rehab ads. He's also moved over the years from pioneering awesome rock to mainstream drek.
Who here "takes" lunch? I don't "take" lunch, but I will occasionally "have" lunch. The economy prevents me from "going out to" lunch often. Actually, I don't need to go out to it. I'm already there.
Life's little moments: Getting to your parents' empty house, using the house phone to call their cell, and hearing their cell ring in the next room.
You might be in a small town if it's late August, and the ballpark has a sign advertising an event for May 21.
You might be in a small town if you overhear someone say that it's okay if flies get in the house because it gives them something to do.
"Deal with it." There's an interesting turn of the English language. "That's the way it is. Deal with it." "Thank you, I will." POW!!! "There. I've dealt with it."
I gotta say, for all the praise I've heard about Paul Newman, he apparently never figured out the art of putting shaker tops on his dressings. (Yeah. I know. I'm a young'un.)
People I admire: a Gulliver's delivery guy with an "Official member of the Piss and Moan About Everything Club" T-shirt. "Welcome home", I told him.
We call it "playing" music even when we're dead serious about it. Although occasionally someone will "work" their guitar.
It seems smart, to me, to live east of the place you go during the day. That way, the sun isn't blinding you both ways.
Doing the dishes
Hoping that thereby I can
Feel a little warmth
"Let's make homemade 3D the next big thing." Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think there's already something very similar to this. It's called "life".
I, like many other Americans, suffer from an extreme and seldom diagnosed mental condition known as GAFDD, or Give a Fuck Deficit Disorder. Please copy and paste this to your status to raise awareness of this affliction. Or don't.
You ever ask a family member where they're going, and they say "out"? Don't you just want to punch them in the face?
You ever try to click "Cancel" for something on the computer, and the computer won't let you because it's too busy with the process you're trying to cancel?
You know how some people say "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all"? I say, fuck that shit!
The pepper-sprayer's name is Bologna? Man, you can't make this stuff up.
Where did the idea of calling one's children "Boo-boo" come from? "Boo-boo" in my mind refers to a scrape or similar injury — the result of an accident. Oh, wait.....
Is it "hipster" to dismiss hipsters as cliché?
"Divided by zero". Not divided. One. Thoughts like this are why I switched out of math/computer science.
A moccasin is a nice casual bit of footwear for indoor and light outdoor use. A water moccasin is a fanged, venomous creature of wilderness. How is this possible?
The serving spoon fell in.
It may perhaps be beneficial to folks to tell you this: I have very little sense of "cute". Puppies and babies do nothing for me, exactly one adult dog that I know of qualifies, and children only rarely qualify. Cats are more "majestic" than "cute", per se.
And I REALLY don't like referring to mixed-breed dogs with made-up combination words like shnoodle, chorkie, or whatever other god-awful concoctions I've heard. They're mutts! Mini, standard, and large, mutts!
I'm dog tired. Think I'll nap now.
It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World FTbigW
What starts with an F, ends with a K, and involves a lot of soul-crushing disappointment? (hint: the answer appears in the name of this blog post.)
"Those people on TV sound like you, Mommy!"
I don't think I've ever actually seen a prank "flag" gun in real life, but it seems to me, the flag ought to pop out in a way that the "victim" can see it, rather than rotated 90° like they're always portrayed.
"Word to the wise." Don't the wise already know the word? That's why they're wise. You don't need to give the word to the wise. The ignorant are the ones who could use it. "Word to the ignorant." That makes more sense to me.
Human animals: Pigs, road hogs, stupid cows, horses and bulldogs on the field, bunnies that aren't dogs, dirty rats, scaredy cats who are chicken, snakes in the grass, loan sharks. Sitting ducks for a poem or a song. Go get 'em, tiger!
The flower supplier for my cousin's wedding is called "Pollen"? Awesome! I can't wait to get my groceries at Artificial Preservatives!
The landing gear on my spacecraft is damaged. And the entire planet is hard land — no water. I'll have to remain in orbit indefinitely.
You ever bite into a Reese's for the first time in a long time and realize, after a couple seconds, that you're eating the redundant, inedible brown wrapper?
On this, the (pick your own integer)th day of Thanksgiving, I give thanks that I'm under absolutely no obligation to stay true to trends and can therefore skip days and indeed stop doing this altogether. Peace and love.
From the other room, the 60 Minutes ticking sounds like a parent making that "Naughty, naughty" sound. "Ntch ntch ntch ntch ntch ntch ntch ntch ntch.....bad TV viewer. You should know better."
Anal eyes
Anal lies
(stares at this with hand on chin, pondering if it's worth anything)
It can hardly be a coincidence that there are three Ps in "puppy".
"Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there." Who here has someone they consider "a good neighbor"? Is a good neighbor merely one that leaves you alone? "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there but will do nothing for you."
"Keep your eyes peeled." Do I even have to explain my puzzlement at how this one came about?
taking showers away from me
Consider it
I keep my toiletries in a plastic bag from Reckless Records, which I keep in my bedroom. This way, they're not locked in a bathroom that someone else is using when I need to freshen up and leave in a rush.
Dinner just tastes so much better than supper, doesn't it?
Typist: One who discriminates against those who "aren't their type".
I wonder how much of my life I've spent drying stuff. My hands, dishes, clothes, the rest of my body. Seems like a lot sometimes.
If I ever have a child (ha ha), I think I'll name it "Fire".
With apologies to Tom Paxton:
I don't want a puppy-wuppy in my humble abode
In my humble abode in the sun
For a puppy's more unpleasant than a busted commode
In my humble abode in the sun
If you outlaw anything at all, there will be outlaws.
I thought I saw you for a moment, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't actually you.
Every piss is when you Pee.
What's with all the parking signs and meters that prohibit parking completely between 2a and 6a? For what reason? Does somebody actually enforce that stuff?
I heard my mother talking about curling someone's hair with a straightener. I thought, what? Shouldn't that require a curler?
I take comfort in the fact that, in this contemporary, hi-def world, drive-thru speakers are as crackly and primitive as they've ever been.
We humans love convenience. We'd much rather send our pets out in the cold rain than clean up our floors inside.
I need sex like there's no fucking tomorrow.
Feel like posting a status, but have nothing much to say just now.
Peace and love!
Featured Post
Update 2020-12-16: (True sticky posts banned; click to read.) So, owing to the evolution of the internet, or at least my own approach to it,...
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Cheshire Adams - Now What?
Performed live for my poetry class, 12-6-11.
Well now, people told me when I was young, when I'm
Older, if I'm gonna have my fun, I gotta
Bust my ass all the while before, even
Though it may seem like an endless chore, it's gonna
Bring success to you when you are done, yeah it's
Gonna help you out in the long run, so now
Get to work and set aside your fears, you'll be
Good to rest in just a few short years
I had no way of knowing better
I followed everything to the letter
I hunkered down and I worked so hard
My ass is busted into shards
Here I am
Now what?
Well I sealed myself off from the social world, and I
Never even stopped to talk to girls, yeah I
Broke myself off from the world I knew, and I
Can't get back on 'cause I got no glue, but I
Got this glossy, nice certificate, and not a
Single clue for what to do with it. Tell me
Is there any place that I can go? There must be
Someone 'round here who knows
Here I am
Now what?
Take these shards of my shattered ass, and give me
Something I can use that'll last. See, I've
Been through hell and now I want out. I need
Something I can be about
Here I am
Now what?
Well now, people told me when I was young, when I'm
Older, if I'm gonna have my fun, I gotta
Bust my ass all the while before, even
Though it may seem like an endless chore, it's gonna
Bring success to you when you are done, yeah it's
Gonna help you out in the long run, so now
Get to work and set aside your fears, you'll be
Good to rest in just a few short years
I had no way of knowing better
I followed everything to the letter
I hunkered down and I worked so hard
My ass is busted into shards
Here I am
Now what?
Well I sealed myself off from the social world, and I
Never even stopped to talk to girls, yeah I
Broke myself off from the world I knew, and I
Can't get back on 'cause I got no glue, but I
Got this glossy, nice certificate, and not a
Single clue for what to do with it. Tell me
Is there any place that I can go? There must be
Someone 'round here who knows
Here I am
Now what?
Take these shards of my shattered ass, and give me
Something I can use that'll last. See, I've
Been through hell and now I want out. I need
Something I can be about
Here I am
Now what?
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Here's a good summary of what's wrong with our country (and perhaps beyond): "tl;dr". It stands for "too long; didn't read", and it is sufficiently common lingo in cyberspace. I feel like finding some of these people's contributions to the web and commenting "tii;nwr" — "too ill-informed; not worth reading". You know why our country's in the john? Large numbers of people who can't be bothered to pay attention.
Smart peace and harmony to us all.
Smart peace and harmony to us all.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
I’m gonna be blunt: I need sex.
I’m not the least bit prepared for getting emotionally involved with any one person. And I’m certainly not prepared for any possible consequences. But I’ve been frustrated, and I gotta take it out on someone, preferably in a way that we’ll all enjoy.
Of course, being a child of polite society, I can’t really ask anyone directly. So I’m putting this out here, calling it a poem, and hoping it’ll work.
I’m available.
I’m not the least bit prepared for getting emotionally involved with any one person. And I’m certainly not prepared for any possible consequences. But I’ve been frustrated, and I gotta take it out on someone, preferably in a way that we’ll all enjoy.
Of course, being a child of polite society, I can’t really ask anyone directly. So I’m putting this out here, calling it a poem, and hoping it’ll work.
I’m available.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
A few people on Facebook mentioned on the eleventh that it was "National Coming Out Day". I couldn't help noticing that all the people who mentioned it.......are female.
But when you think about it, lesbianism makes sense. The female form, and the average female mind, are attractive. Who the hell's attracted to this lumpy, hairy shit? (gestures to own genitalia)
Of course, the phenomenon of gay guys remains unexplained by this.........but I will not deny them the right to be that way.
Equal rights for all.
Peace and love.
But when you think about it, lesbianism makes sense. The female form, and the average female mind, are attractive. Who the hell's attracted to this lumpy, hairy shit? (gestures to own genitalia)
Of course, the phenomenon of gay guys remains unexplained by this.........but I will not deny them the right to be that way.
Equal rights for all.
Peace and love.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Cheshire Adams - Sweet Release
At last! A new song (as of 9-20-11)!
One take. Edited out a couple bits of the intro that caused it to go on a bit longer than appealed to my aesthetics, and ever slightly faded out ending (I'd tried mimicking the "fade out" trick manually as I was playing, but it still needed a bit of a finishing touch in Audacity, IMO).
As always, comments are welcome. And indeed encouraged.
(P.S. I moved "It's Psych" back a ways in the blog, around its approximate recording date.)
A strange new pulse possesses me
All my might won't break me free
I'm helpless here in Nature's grip
Which tightens still at the sight of your hips
You've got that shape that casts a spell
Perhaps you're in that grip as well
Any time you wanna
We can reach Nirvana
Put our troubles on our
'Cause it's built up like a great big wall
I need your touch to make it fall
So let's make love, let's make peace
Let's induce this sweet release
Those jeans would surely tell no lies
They advertise, they hypnotize
So snug around your perfect thighs
And so this pulse shall onward rise
I want to elicit complicit sighs
And shoot us up into the skies
So come on Girl
We're gonna ditch this world
Let it all unfurl
We shall fuse our energy
To take on this whole galaxy
And so expand, and so increase
Destined for that sweet release
You know that I can't help but see
Your obvious femality
It seems to scream, Hey look at me
I'm in charge here. Glory be!
And I'm just sat here helplessly
Got no choice but to agree
So whaddaya say
We're gonna do this today
Let whatever may,
'Cause it's built up like a great big wall
I need your touch to make it fall
So let's make love, let's make peace
Let's induce
This sweet release
One take. Edited out a couple bits of the intro that caused it to go on a bit longer than appealed to my aesthetics, and ever slightly faded out ending (I'd tried mimicking the "fade out" trick manually as I was playing, but it still needed a bit of a finishing touch in Audacity, IMO).
As always, comments are welcome. And indeed encouraged.
(P.S. I moved "It's Psych" back a ways in the blog, around its approximate recording date.)
A strange new pulse possesses me
All my might won't break me free
I'm helpless here in Nature's grip
Which tightens still at the sight of your hips
You've got that shape that casts a spell
Perhaps you're in that grip as well
Any time you wanna
We can reach Nirvana
Put our troubles on our
'Cause it's built up like a great big wall
I need your touch to make it fall
So let's make love, let's make peace
Let's induce this sweet release
Those jeans would surely tell no lies
They advertise, they hypnotize
So snug around your perfect thighs
And so this pulse shall onward rise
I want to elicit complicit sighs
And shoot us up into the skies
So come on Girl
We're gonna ditch this world
Let it all unfurl
We shall fuse our energy
To take on this whole galaxy
And so expand, and so increase
Destined for that sweet release
You know that I can't help but see
Your obvious femality
It seems to scream, Hey look at me
I'm in charge here. Glory be!
And I'm just sat here helplessly
Got no choice but to agree
So whaddaya say
We're gonna do this today
Let whatever may,
'Cause it's built up like a great big wall
I need your touch to make it fall
So let's make love, let's make peace
Let's induce
This sweet release
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
On 3D Printers
Apparently, these things are becoming a real phenomenon now. They can essentially create duplicates of objects, such as household tools. It got me thinking:
In the Twilight Zone fourth season episode "Valley of the Shadow", a reporter finds himself basically held hostage in a remoter-than-remote town where such technology and beyond exists. The town can't let knowledge of the technology escape to the outside world where it will certainly be used for evil.
The reporter tries to escape. He does this at one point by "printing" up an object — a gun.
....Even after being told the reason that the technology can't be let loose on the world.
So, the question I want to ask about this 3D printer thing is: Which will it be used for first: printing up food (à la Star Trek) for the poor, or printing up weapons to eliminate competition for food (and other things; clean water, perhaps)?
Place your bets, folks.
(And yes, I did see the xkcd strip about this. There'll be plenty of that, too.)
In the Twilight Zone fourth season episode "Valley of the Shadow", a reporter finds himself basically held hostage in a remoter-than-remote town where such technology and beyond exists. The town can't let knowledge of the technology escape to the outside world where it will certainly be used for evil.
The reporter tries to escape. He does this at one point by "printing" up an object — a gun.
....Even after being told the reason that the technology can't be let loose on the world.
So, the question I want to ask about this 3D printer thing is: Which will it be used for first: printing up food (à la Star Trek) for the poor, or printing up weapons to eliminate competition for food (and other things; clean water, perhaps)?
Place your bets, folks.
(And yes, I did see the xkcd strip about this. There'll be plenty of that, too.)
'Valley of the Shadow',
3D printers,
Medium takes,
Twilight Zone,
Sunday, June 5, 2011
A status turned down from my Facebook
At some time, someone, somewhere, who ran a porn site, must have thought to himself, "Why should people having actual sex be the only ones who get viruses?"
No, there's no particular reason why this thought occurred to me. Why do you ask?
No, there's no particular reason why this thought occurred to me. Why do you ask?
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Selections from Seven Months of a Second Facebook Account
(Some of these are slightly edited from the originals.)
Someone in my family subscribes to a catalog called "Woman Within". Does this sound to anyone else like a service for transgender men?
You are what you ingest. My father's favorite type of tea happens to be called "Constant Comment".
The French word for "cat" sounds like the Persian word for "supreme ruler". Coincidence? I think not.
Nothing ever goes according to plan with me. This is probably because there is never a plan to which things can go according.
No wonder I thought the TV was on. Someone's playing a Morricone album in the other room.
I've always loved desserts. In kindergarten, we sang "My Country 'Tis of Thee", and I always thought the line was "...of the icing". What modern kindergartener knows from eighteenth century grammar?
IKEA products are not designed by engineers.
I tried clicking the Help button. It didn't work. I'm still a wreck.
(in response to some car company's holiday season TV ad claiming that "Nobody ever asked for a smaller gift") Not true. My mother got pretty mad when the dress we got her was too big.
Life's simple pleasures: Licking the bowl while baking.
Of all the things the university has stolen from me, I miss my mind the most.
Cheshire Adams walks into a bar. OW!, he grimaces, walking on, clutching his head in pain.
You rarely hear about male contortionists.
A cartoon caption in search of an illustration: Skeletons coming out of the closet
♪♫♪ One of these things is not like the others
One of these things belongs anyway ♪♫♪
(New Year's morning) This is it?
I got ten new compact discs this past holiday. Now I can spend many happy hours listening to other stuff while I try to get these bloody things open.
Our new smoke/carbon monoxide detector has a mute button.
This Facebook thing is great. If I poked people I weren't close with in real life, I'd probably land in a correctional facility.
If radio is going to play the Rare Earth version of "Get Ready", they should play all twenty minutes of it.
Well, I don't know. You think optimism might help?
To my knowledge, the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago is the only museum groovy enough to have its own built-in ice cream parlor.
Your overzealous advertising of your anti-spam product has backfired.
.....and then I ate it. I was very hungry.
(a source that will remain unidentified to protect me, on Dr. King Day) "I don't give a fuck why we have a day off."
Lit match. Incensed. ☮
Either that, or the window needs to be cleaned. (Or both.)
nervous-compulsive at "work"
I suppose with a name like Winehouse, it was inevitable.
If the line between comedy and truth were any blurrier, it wouldn't exist at all.
I made this comment to someone and was immediately de-friended by that person.
Cold weather may be a pain at first, but you get numb to it after a while.
You might be a Chicagoan if you wear the same old sneakers in this kind of deep snow and think nothing of it.
It's not necessarily pro or con. It just is.
solace, not soulless
I looked up Mark Zuckerberg on here, just on a whim. Friending him isn't an option.
You know what they say.....therefore, there's no need for me to repeat it.
It is, in fact, something else entirely.
I'm so far out of the Loop, I cannot even be said to be in Elgin.
Words that sound weird when heard completely at random: Fallaciously.
Academic FAIL.
I may be a little hazy on my Greek and Latin word roots, but I believe "academics" comes from "aca", "up and/or forward", and "demic", "of the people". Up and/or forward to what, I wonder.....
Regarding spicy food: It is merely my personal opinion that food — that thing we depend upon for sustenance — should not be physically painful to eat.
I was always a bit self-absorbed. It took me years to figure out that the meaty bits of clam chowder weren't chicken.
I was always a bit self-absorbed. For years, I thought WD-40 was a tax form.
True stuff: I never finished kindergarten. I left a couple weeks early to visit distant (in more ways than one) family in Sarasota, Florida.
You know you've grown up when you have the pharmacy's phone number memorized.
Could be interpreted a couple different ways dept. : (my father, on being retired) "There's no more work days and off-days. They're all off-days."
I see where, at least until they're two, we refer to kids' age in months. How much longer can we do that before people start looking at us oddly?
To reflect my own youthful mind, I'll be turning 299 months in a little over a week! Yay! Cake for everybody!
Me dear ol' mum on our family: "We put the 'fun' in 'dysfunctional'!"
Don't think with your brain full!
I wouldn't give my troubles to a Letterman fan on a rock!
I heard my alarm, turned it off, and proceeded to DREAM ABOUT getting up and going about my day like I was supposed to.
Lemon juice: A tool for discovering cuts on one's hand of which one was previously unaware.
The seventh inning stretch at Wrigley: Harry Karaoke. (It only took me a bit short of 25 years to realize this.)
N is for Non-sequitur.
I hope that the enemy comes in a form where they are inexplicably destroyed when two or more of them bearing the same color are hit with a replica of that form and color. We the masses will be fully prepared.
Mom: "Why does it have to be sports ALL THE TIME?!" Dad: "It doesn't! Just when they're on!"
The point is made
The tone is set.
If that's what you want,
That's what you'll get.
(on the Hitchhiker's Guide) Just the first two words alone are Far out.
looking for our glasses
My mother calls me into the other room to demonstrate my pronunciation of certain Hebrew and Yiddish words that feature that back-of-the-throat sound. She does this by saying: "Come in here! Let me see if you're Jewish!"
What does that sound like to you? I know what it sounds like to me......
I don't understand this fascination with putting things away. Things can't do any good if they're away.
Dark Star gazed out at the bizarre pattern of lights. Clearly there was something exciting and different out there, but was it real? Could it be reached at all?
She leapt down and made her way to the water bowl. That was one thing she knew she could rely on.
Room temperature water with bits of her own hair floating in it. But water nonetheless.
Ice cream knows no season.
I wonder how much of my life I've spent waiting for the "hot" water to get hot.
An only partially-working sign on a store in Bourbonnais one night: BUCKS COFFEE
Our suitcases all fit inside/around each other. Where does a company called American Tourister get off selling Russian suitcases?
Great moments in contemporary advertising: A close-up of the upper left of the Blue Screen of Death on one of those digital changing billboards overlooking the Jane Addams
Anyone else ever just lie there in the darkness with your eyes closed, gazing endlessly into the swirling green and purple before you? I'll bet that was the inspiration for the "Rock & Pop Swirl" flavor at Baskin Robbins.
Here's something I'd like explained to me: Illinois' alternate license plate design that prominently features mountains.
I am officially a full-fledged Facebooker. I wrote a status in the form of a cutesy letter to an entity that'll never perceive it.
You can take all the
Showers in the galaxy
And still not get clean.
Here's an obsolete word: Best. These days, it ought to be "Least bad".
I guess they're called "loaded questions" because we basically have to get loaded before we can try to answer them.
Out of the mystic
Off-stylistic, anyway.
In Russia, song deletes YouTube!
Got air in my bicycle tires.
How's that? Nice, mainstream status update? Turn you folks on?
Someone in my family subscribes to a catalog called "Woman Within". Does this sound to anyone else like a service for transgender men?
You are what you ingest. My father's favorite type of tea happens to be called "Constant Comment".
The French word for "cat" sounds like the Persian word for "supreme ruler". Coincidence? I think not.
Nothing ever goes according to plan with me. This is probably because there is never a plan to which things can go according.
No wonder I thought the TV was on. Someone's playing a Morricone album in the other room.
I've always loved desserts. In kindergarten, we sang "My Country 'Tis of Thee", and I always thought the line was "...of the icing". What modern kindergartener knows from eighteenth century grammar?
IKEA products are not designed by engineers.
I tried clicking the Help button. It didn't work. I'm still a wreck.
(in response to some car company's holiday season TV ad claiming that "Nobody ever asked for a smaller gift") Not true. My mother got pretty mad when the dress we got her was too big.
Life's simple pleasures: Licking the bowl while baking.
Of all the things the university has stolen from me, I miss my mind the most.
Cheshire Adams walks into a bar. OW!, he grimaces, walking on, clutching his head in pain.
You rarely hear about male contortionists.
A cartoon caption in search of an illustration: Skeletons coming out of the closet
♪♫♪ One of these things is not like the others
One of these things belongs anyway ♪♫♪
(New Year's morning) This is it?
I got ten new compact discs this past holiday. Now I can spend many happy hours listening to other stuff while I try to get these bloody things open.
Our new smoke/carbon monoxide detector has a mute button.
This Facebook thing is great. If I poked people I weren't close with in real life, I'd probably land in a correctional facility.
If radio is going to play the Rare Earth version of "Get Ready", they should play all twenty minutes of it.
Well, I don't know. You think optimism might help?
To my knowledge, the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago is the only museum groovy enough to have its own built-in ice cream parlor.
Your overzealous advertising of your anti-spam product has backfired.
.....and then I ate it. I was very hungry.
(a source that will remain unidentified to protect me, on Dr. King Day) "I don't give a fuck why we have a day off."
Lit match. Incensed. ☮
Either that, or the window needs to be cleaned. (Or both.)
nervous-compulsive at "work"
I suppose with a name like Winehouse, it was inevitable.
If the line between comedy and truth were any blurrier, it wouldn't exist at all.
I made this comment to someone and was immediately de-friended by that person.
Cold weather may be a pain at first, but you get numb to it after a while.
You might be a Chicagoan if you wear the same old sneakers in this kind of deep snow and think nothing of it.
It's not necessarily pro or con. It just is.
solace, not soulless
I looked up Mark Zuckerberg on here, just on a whim. Friending him isn't an option.
You know what they say.....therefore, there's no need for me to repeat it.
It is, in fact, something else entirely.
I'm so far out of the Loop, I cannot even be said to be in Elgin.
Words that sound weird when heard completely at random: Fallaciously.
Academic FAIL.
I may be a little hazy on my Greek and Latin word roots, but I believe "academics" comes from "aca", "up and/or forward", and "demic", "of the people". Up and/or forward to what, I wonder.....
Regarding spicy food: It is merely my personal opinion that food — that thing we depend upon for sustenance — should not be physically painful to eat.
I was always a bit self-absorbed. It took me years to figure out that the meaty bits of clam chowder weren't chicken.
I was always a bit self-absorbed. For years, I thought WD-40 was a tax form.
True stuff: I never finished kindergarten. I left a couple weeks early to visit distant (in more ways than one) family in Sarasota, Florida.
You know you've grown up when you have the pharmacy's phone number memorized.
Could be interpreted a couple different ways dept. : (my father, on being retired) "There's no more work days and off-days. They're all off-days."
I see where, at least until they're two, we refer to kids' age in months. How much longer can we do that before people start looking at us oddly?
To reflect my own youthful mind, I'll be turning 299 months in a little over a week! Yay! Cake for everybody!
Me dear ol' mum on our family: "We put the 'fun' in 'dysfunctional'!"
Don't think with your brain full!
I wouldn't give my troubles to a Letterman fan on a rock!
I heard my alarm, turned it off, and proceeded to DREAM ABOUT getting up and going about my day like I was supposed to.
Lemon juice: A tool for discovering cuts on one's hand of which one was previously unaware.
The seventh inning stretch at Wrigley: Harry Karaoke. (It only took me a bit short of 25 years to realize this.)
N is for Non-sequitur.
I hope that the enemy comes in a form where they are inexplicably destroyed when two or more of them bearing the same color are hit with a replica of that form and color. We the masses will be fully prepared.
Mom: "Why does it have to be sports ALL THE TIME?!" Dad: "It doesn't! Just when they're on!"
The point is made
The tone is set.
If that's what you want,
That's what you'll get.
(on the Hitchhiker's Guide) Just the first two words alone are Far out.
looking for our glasses
My mother calls me into the other room to demonstrate my pronunciation of certain Hebrew and Yiddish words that feature that back-of-the-throat sound. She does this by saying: "Come in here! Let me see if you're Jewish!"
What does that sound like to you? I know what it sounds like to me......
I don't understand this fascination with putting things away. Things can't do any good if they're away.
Dark Star gazed out at the bizarre pattern of lights. Clearly there was something exciting and different out there, but was it real? Could it be reached at all?
She leapt down and made her way to the water bowl. That was one thing she knew she could rely on.
Room temperature water with bits of her own hair floating in it. But water nonetheless.
Ice cream knows no season.
I wonder how much of my life I've spent waiting for the "hot" water to get hot.
An only partially-working sign on a store in Bourbonnais one night: BUCKS COFFEE
Our suitcases all fit inside/around each other. Where does a company called American Tourister get off selling Russian suitcases?
Great moments in contemporary advertising: A close-up of the upper left of the Blue Screen of Death on one of those digital changing billboards overlooking the Jane Addams
Anyone else ever just lie there in the darkness with your eyes closed, gazing endlessly into the swirling green and purple before you? I'll bet that was the inspiration for the "Rock & Pop Swirl" flavor at Baskin Robbins.
Here's something I'd like explained to me: Illinois' alternate license plate design that prominently features mountains.
I am officially a full-fledged Facebooker. I wrote a status in the form of a cutesy letter to an entity that'll never perceive it.
You can take all the
Showers in the galaxy
And still not get clean.
Here's an obsolete word: Best. These days, it ought to be "Least bad".
I guess they're called "loaded questions" because we basically have to get loaded before we can try to answer them.
Out of the mystic
Off-stylistic, anyway.
In Russia, song deletes YouTube!
Got air in my bicycle tires.
How's that? Nice, mainstream status update? Turn you folks on?
Friday, May 6, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
....I've gotten to thinking that the humane thing to do with miserable people is to put them out of their misery.
No more deadlines, no more financial worries, no more ability to perceive others and consequently disdain them. No more ice cream either, but if the negative sufficiently outweighs the positive.....
Just end it.
(Not me. I believe I'm capable of not being miserable, long as the misery creators around me cease.)
No more deadlines, no more financial worries, no more ability to perceive others and consequently disdain them. No more ice cream either, but if the negative sufficiently outweighs the positive.....
Just end it.
(Not me. I believe I'm capable of not being miserable, long as the misery creators around me cease.)
Monday, April 18, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Update 2020-12-16: (True sticky posts banned; click to read.) So, owing to the evolution of the internet, or at least my own approach to it, the purpose of this blog has basically become to be the repository of all my song lyrics. Maybe once in a while, I'll write something longform like in days of yore. But in the meantime, I've managed to view the blog on a mobile device, and so henceforth I shall no longer use white fonts. Might even change some of the existing ones over.
You can hear my existing recorded songs on SoundCloud or YouTube.
Lest anyone not from the old days (i.e. circa 2012/13) has popped over here, I shall caution you: the farther back you go in this blog, the more winceful, dark stuff from my relative youth you'll find. I'm not proud of it. But I'm also not the sort to hide what I once was. We are human. We evolve. Anyway, on to the intro as I wrote it eight years minus one day ago, and with the Google+ link removed now, because, I mean, really.
Lucy in Cyberspace is by no means chicken soup for the mind. At best, it's a butternut squash loaded with spice, very much an "acquired taste" and not for everyone. Sometimes you may encounter some particularly strong spice, and you may be irked and perhaps offended by it. Should that happen, I urge you to not give up on digesting what I have to offer, but rather to keep going and hopefully come to have enjoyed it when you've finished, or at least have gained a certain degree of nourishment from it.
I get intensely personal at times, stroking intimacy in remote and utter darkness. Once in a while, I'll reinforce my thoughts with the sort of words that the creators of the FCC would prefer to have stricken from existence. I realize this is not everybody's cup of tea, or indeed, bowl of butternut squash; I hope nonetheless that enough people will at least signal to me somehow their acknowledgement of my transmissions that I may feel not so remote and dark.
This blog also doubles for me as a general opportunity for me to display my writing skills to the world in the hopes that somebody new may find them, consider them valuable, and in some way employ them (and me). In an effort to seem more "professional" than I am, I present three documents from my days in academia. May they appeal and endear.
Spacial Frame: A Poetry Anthology
C'est la Feline: A Short Story
And For Some of Us, the Only Way: A Creative Nonfiction Essay
I encourage you to contact me with anything you might have to say. You can e-mail me here, here, or here, follow me here, befriend me here, or simply comment on any post where you are now.
(This introductory post composed on 2012-12-17, save for the first bit as marked.)
(P.S. Lest any veteran readers miss the old video post, don't panic; it's in the archive.)
You can hear my existing recorded songs on SoundCloud or YouTube.
Lest anyone not from the old days (i.e. circa 2012/13) has popped over here, I shall caution you: the farther back you go in this blog, the more winceful, dark stuff from my relative youth you'll find. I'm not proud of it. But I'm also not the sort to hide what I once was. We are human. We evolve. Anyway, on to the intro as I wrote it eight years minus one day ago, and with the Google+ link removed now, because, I mean, really.
Lucy in Cyberspace is by no means chicken soup for the mind. At best, it's a butternut squash loaded with spice, very much an "acquired taste" and not for everyone. Sometimes you may encounter some particularly strong spice, and you may be irked and perhaps offended by it. Should that happen, I urge you to not give up on digesting what I have to offer, but rather to keep going and hopefully come to have enjoyed it when you've finished, or at least have gained a certain degree of nourishment from it.
I get intensely personal at times, stroking intimacy in remote and utter darkness. Once in a while, I'll reinforce my thoughts with the sort of words that the creators of the FCC would prefer to have stricken from existence. I realize this is not everybody's cup of tea, or indeed, bowl of butternut squash; I hope nonetheless that enough people will at least signal to me somehow their acknowledgement of my transmissions that I may feel not so remote and dark.
This blog also doubles for me as a general opportunity for me to display my writing skills to the world in the hopes that somebody new may find them, consider them valuable, and in some way employ them (and me). In an effort to seem more "professional" than I am, I present three documents from my days in academia. May they appeal and endear.
Spacial Frame: A Poetry Anthology
C'est la Feline: A Short Story
And For Some of Us, the Only Way: A Creative Nonfiction Essay
I encourage you to contact me with anything you might have to say. You can e-mail me here, here, or here, follow me here, befriend me here, or simply comment on any post where you are now.
(This introductory post composed on 2012-12-17, save for the first bit as marked.)
(P.S. Lest any veteran readers miss the old video post, don't panic; it's in the archive.)
Hear Me on SoundCloud!
I shall also claim here an opportunity to flaunt my musical skills. I create on an ordinary acoustic six-string a neatly decorated and flourished array of simple structures, emulating styles ranging from rock to space. I've also written a handful of my own pop-style compositions — a songbook that I hope to expand soon and often. Meanwhile, I submit for your consideration and approval these three collections of recordings, featuring eighteen original songs and a cover of a timeless radio staple about western life best known for its soaring sax (naturally absent here).
Click each original song for lyrics:
Going on Noon
Purpetule Haze
So Far From Home
Sweet Release
Thirst (Ambrosia)
A House With No Walls
Drive On
Society's Waste
Large Outside, Kitten Inside
Frequent Flyer
Down From Me (instrumental)
Blue Ballots (originally lyric-only "Pseudo-improv for a Grey, Post-Election Wednesday")
Beckoned (instrumental)
Vicious (not my image, but yes my music and lyrical embellishments)
Colds Suck
Objectionism (instrumental)
Now What
Baker Street (Rafferty)
Pointless Lament
Unemployed on Labor Day
Click each original song for lyrics:
Going on Noon
Purpetule Haze
So Far From Home
Sweet Release
Thirst (Ambrosia)
A House With No Walls
Drive On
Society's Waste
Large Outside, Kitten Inside
Frequent Flyer
Down From Me (instrumental)
Blue Ballots (originally lyric-only "Pseudo-improv for a Grey, Post-Election Wednesday")
Beckoned (instrumental)
Vicious (not my image, but yes my music and lyrical embellishments)
Colds Suck
Objectionism (instrumental)
Now What
Baker Street (Rafferty)
Pointless Lament
Unemployed on Labor Day
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
MLK Jr. Day Observed. I have no idea when his actual birthday is, but the man is nonetheless groovy. After all the civil rights activism, he spoke out about/against the Vietnam War and was criticized for it by civil rights supporters. Bizarre. Anyway, lovely that we have a day set aside to be thankful for equal opportunity, wholly independent of physical qualities, to wallow in the mire. C'est la vie.
Some of you may have noticed a decline in blog material of late. I sense it's connected to my mid-October signing on to Facebook. I actually have two accounts on Facebook — Cheshire Adams (who has actually been on Facebook rather longer, just not that actively), and then one under my real name. The latter was initially intended to get back in touch with people I used to know — old high school classmates, for instance (see Eruption Pending), 'cause they never heard of Cheshire Adams. If Cheshire Adams tells these people they know me, I'll probably be mass-blocked to the point of my account being axed by the man (or, more likely, the bot). But I got some three-hundred-forty-ish "friends" under my real name (apparently there's a fairly big difference between "Facebook friends" and actual friends), and so, since there's a pretty good sample of real people there — more varied than Cheshire's 48 friends — that account, in addition to being a reconnection tool, has kind of become my scratch paper — a launching pad for the sort of thoughts that would otherwise be posted here.
That said, I prefer to be polite on that account and stay away from the expletives. But in this increasingly frustrating world, I gotta let loose with those expletives someplace, and it would appear that this blog is the destination for my more explosive catharses.
That's right, Lucy in Cyberspace is gettin' artsy. So, since I have a couple short poems I wish to digitally scrawl down quickly, I'll put a bit of a warning somewhere near the top of this thing, and those of you who are turned off by this sort of material can catch up with me on Facebook. Or via e-mail. Or on the music fora through which you know me. And, those of you who don't know my real name: you can find it on the 'Book if you're clever.....
Well, another semester starts
Mom, if you're reading this, Hi there! and, Some kind of social awakening has happened within me of late, and perhaps all of this explains everything. Now careful you don't get too nosy with the other account.
Some of you may have noticed a decline in blog material of late. I sense it's connected to my mid-October signing on to Facebook. I actually have two accounts on Facebook — Cheshire Adams (who has actually been on Facebook rather longer, just not that actively), and then one under my real name. The latter was initially intended to get back in touch with people I used to know — old high school classmates, for instance (see Eruption Pending), 'cause they never heard of Cheshire Adams. If Cheshire Adams tells these people they know me, I'll probably be mass-blocked to the point of my account being axed by the man (or, more likely, the bot). But I got some three-hundred-forty-ish "friends" under my real name (apparently there's a fairly big difference between "Facebook friends" and actual friends), and so, since there's a pretty good sample of real people there — more varied than Cheshire's 48 friends — that account, in addition to being a reconnection tool, has kind of become my scratch paper — a launching pad for the sort of thoughts that would otherwise be posted here.
That said, I prefer to be polite on that account and stay away from the expletives. But in this increasingly frustrating world, I gotta let loose with those expletives someplace, and it would appear that this blog is the destination for my more explosive catharses.
That's right, Lucy in Cyberspace is gettin' artsy. So, since I have a couple short poems I wish to digitally scrawl down quickly, I'll put a bit of a warning somewhere near the top of this thing, and those of you who are turned off by this sort of material can catch up with me on Facebook. Or via e-mail. Or on the music fora through which you know me. And, those of you who don't know my real name: you can find it on the 'Book if you're clever.....

Well, another semester starts
Mom, if you're reading this, Hi there! and, Some kind of social awakening has happened within me of late, and perhaps all of this explains everything. Now careful you don't get too nosy with the other account.
Sums it Up
Have yourself
the most incredible
Orgasm anyone ever had
as you go fuck yourself.
the most incredible
Orgasm anyone ever had
as you go fuck yourself.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Hope this isn't just the Prozac talking.....
Sorry about that last post. It wasn't personal. My situation — family, financial, societal, and most anything else one can think of — has had me quite frustrated lately. Hats off to my cousin, a handful of university contacts, and the occasional friendly face in cyberspace and beyond for being kind and as helpful as possible.
There's a basic human need to belong, and, as long as I'm feeling that, I think I'm okay.
Peace, love, happiness, all that good stuff,
There's a basic human need to belong, and, as long as I'm feeling that, I think I'm okay.
Peace, love, happiness, all that good stuff,
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