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Update 2020-12-16: (True sticky posts banned; click to read.) So, owing to the evolution of the internet, or at least my own approach to it,...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Ha ha, I have a bit of a tendency to fidget when I'm on camera, so when my hands are below the shot, it kind of makes it look like I'm up to something I shouldn't be. Hee hee. I assure you that everything happening in this video is G-rated. I think.

Questions? Complaints? Requests? Hints and allegations? E-mail me here or here, follow me here, or Facebook me here.

This blog is dedicated to Lucy, whom I thank for seventeen years of pleasure, and to Loki, Abby, and Linus for their contributions to memories as far back as my own memory goes.



Anonymous said...

Steely Dan is definitely not G-rated, though...

Cheshire Adams said...

Are you referring to your opinion of their music, or the fact that they take their name from a dildo in Naked Lunch?

If it's the former, I should probably have warned you sooner: my tastes are perhaps more eclectic (or is it eccentric?) than I make them appear in Blogland's major cities (i.e. the forums).

If it's the latter (or I'm missing something in the lyrics of that particular song, which is quite possible; hadn't thought of that, actually), I'll correct my statement. Or reshoot the thing with the Factory's Try a Little Sunshine. That's a nice one.

I really ought to be working on my Abnormal Psych paper now.....

No, seriously, I'm taking Abnormal Psych this semester. :-) I'm surprisingly failing to enjoy it..... ;~:-[ (I can't find a character that looks like a sideways question mark. Grr. Why can't I put pictures up here? It's MY blog, for cryin' out loud.)

Anonymous said...

I like cottage cheese. That's why I want to try other dwelling cheeses, too. How about studio apartment cheese? Tent cheese? Mobile home cheese? Do not eat mobile home cheese in a tornado.

-Bob Dylan

Cheshire Adams said...

Stuck inside of a mobile home with the muenster blues again......

Anonymous said...

...just pretty sure you've got The Dan playing in the background in your video...

Anonymous said...

you're a douchehat

Cheshire Adams said...


If you could explain exactly what that is, it would be much more helpful and therefore appreciated.

Peace and happiness......

Crabmonster said...

Greetings from cloudy Canada. I just noticed the link to your blog from the It's Psych forum.


Cheshire Adams said...

Hi there! (He said a month and two-thirds later....)

I left a comment on your post "We offer ... Gift Month", but I guess it requires approval, so yeah...it's there.......


SAC Hunter said...


If you're looking for the album mentioned in your sidebar, Wake Up... It's Tomorrow by Strawberry Alarm Clock, here's a great Wake Up It's Tomorrow for sale list.

Lots of neat SAC stuff around that site too, not just for sale stuff but lots of articles.

BTW I enjoy reading your blog! Nice approach to it.

Cheshire Adams said...

Cheers. The main problem is actually something I can give in exchange for the things that appear on my wish list.........

Funny, I just made a post pleading for comments, and totally failed to realize I'd gotten one...... :-)

Peace and sunshine,