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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pussy - Pussy Plays (a quick review by ~C.A.~)

This is, in a nutshell, half of a classic psych/rock album. Four of the eight songs shine, and the other four (three of these are instrumentals) are just kind of there. So, strong start with good, organ-driven psych/rock: "Come Back June" is a good, mainstream-ish rock number that could have been a hit...maybe; "All of My Life" is another good one, with a softly spoken refrain; and "We Built the Sun" is a slower song with a wonderfully eerie bit of organ, piano and gentle electric guitar. At this point, two unengaging instrumentals appear; I would have liked a bit more along the lines of the spoken bit at the end of "Comets"...oh, well.... Then, perhaps the coolest song on the album, "The Open Ground".......a mostly spoken depiction of the world after the utter obliteration of life thereupon, over a wah-wah guitar....great song. The two remaining pieces after this don't really do it for me, though I can sort of understand the ability to dig "Everybody's Song."

Many thanks to Lost~in~Tyme for introducing me to this album. I wish you the best in permanently establishing and maintaining your online library of obscure and wonderful records.

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