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Update 2020-12-16: (True sticky posts banned; click to read.) So, owing to the evolution of the internet, or at least my own approach to it,...
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Zarquon help me.....I'm still recovering from my loss of wisdom teeth, and all my mother can think of is having me "organize" everything.....
("Organize"....that means I know where everything is now, and will have no idea where it is after it's been organized. We have rather differing opinions on where things belong......)
("Organize"....that means I know where everything is now, and will have no idea where it is after it's been organized. We have rather differing opinions on where things belong......)
Friday, January 23, 2009
I'm Okay
......just a little sore on the right side of my mouth. Why just the right side, I don't know. Eating might be a bit of an adventure for a little while......
......But I'm fine.
......But I'm fine.

Thursday, January 22, 2009
New Presidency, New Semester, New Supermarket, Same Cheshire
Right. Let's see if I can remember everything I wanted to write about yesterday, or I guess it was now the day before yesterday. Zarquon, I went to bed at midnight and, except for a brief bathroom break, didn't get up until ten at night or something like that. This was the day after I saw, among other sights, a sleep psychologist. I would, I think, have gotten up a little earlier, but American Idol was on in the other room, so I had to bury my head particularly deep under the sheets and the other pillow.
Good starting point, I think: Since maybe November, I've been on Prozac, or at least the generic thereof. Before I started that, I had been on (the generic of) Abilify. At that point, I was going nowhere in life and feeling rather depressed. Now I'm still going nowhere in life, but at least I'm content. And making the occasional joke or six. Two out of three ain't bad.....sadly, it's the other one that's causing my folks to be none of those. And that's the basic setup here. How it will relate to anything else in this entry, I don't know; of course, I've yet to write most of it.......
It's a New Semester!
I did it! I don't know how, but I did it! I got up around six thirty in the morning! On the first day of class! I was actually able to get to my nine thirty class! And I'll quite probably be easily able to make it to that class again today, seeing as I only got up a little while ago, and it's about five now. Rejoice!
Anyway, the teacher of this class seems like she'll be much more helpful than the guy who was in charge when I started the class last semester. And it looks like the requirement this time around is merely two short stories and a revision, rather than three short stories and a revision. I'm still not entirely confident, but I feel a little better. I feel a certain instinctive impulse to blur the line between straight fiction and tripped-out sort of post-modern poetry. I wonder if I'll really be able to get away with this kind of artsy inclination.........I suppose I can ask.......Or I suppose I can just be my radical self and recognize my own genius while being horribly misunderstood and generally held in contempt........
(I'm the most humble person in the world! YES!)
(I've posted that joke before, haven't I?)
After class, I went around to a couple of places searching for a PC with internet. Either all of the supposedly trans-platform computers in the English Building lab have been set to the dreaded Macintosh, or I merely dreamt that whole thing, and there is still hope that the whole university isn't just some anti-Cheshire conspiracy. PCs may not be the greatest thing on this planet, but, in my own experience, they're much better than Macs. I've never really gotten along well with Macs for some reason. Maybe if I can use Remote Desktop on a Mac to access this PC on which I am now, I might get into them more. I highly question whether or not this will be possible. Ever.
It's a New Presidency!
Anyway, I went to the Union to watch the Inauguration. Nice, crowded Courtyard Café, full of people applauding when the time is right, and occasionally giggling for reasons which aren't likely to become apparent anytime soon. The broadcast was shown on some kind of projector, projecting onto the screen at the "front" of the café. It was also shown on the usual televisions that hang from the ceiling in various places around the café. It was one of these that I saw. I heard the audio from the big projection, and I saw the video on the television. They were horribly out of sync; the video must have been a full fifteen seconds ahead of the audio. What were they, on different channels or something?
Nevertheless, I got there I think more or less in time to catch the swearing in of Joe Biden. I think it was after that that Aretha did a bit of singing. (Her glory days are behind her.....) It was then beyond noon, Eastern time, and, according to the voice-over, Biden was president for a few minutes, seeing as he had been sworn in before noon, and then Dubya's term expired. Of course, I heard or read later, I forget which, that the elected Obama should have become president at noon, so I don't know.......anyway, the crowd I was with burst into applause when they heard about Biden being the president. They then did a bit of chuckling during Obama's swearing-in, which was notoriously bungled by both Obama and Chief Justice Roberts (mainly Roberts, I understand). (From what I've read, Obama took the oath again today, just to be sure. I assume they got it right this time.) Obama's inauguration speech, which followed, didn't really feature anything particularly special, but it did draw applause at a few junctures. And that's about all I stuck around for; all in all, I don't feel the inauguration itself was anything special, but everyone seems to insist that it's historic. It is, I feel, still too soon to judge the man; coming into the presidency, my reasoning was that all we knew is that he's a good talker. I think he made a good impression on his first full day, though......I think........
I did vote for him......if only because he knows how to talk.......
.....And possibly because he's simply more, I don't know, likable than McCain.
Anyway, all my best to the man. And good luck...........
It's (Going to Be) a New Cheshire!
At my one o'clock (Central time) appointment, we determined that, this Friday, I'm going to have my "wisdom" teeth out.
(I'm sorry......I couldn't find the right emoticon for this.)
It's a New World Order!
(I do have an emoticon for this one, though:
I don't go shopping very often these days......I mostly leave the shopping to my mother. This time, though, I accompanied her; there wasn't much point going home between two appointments at the clinic on the other side of town. I had seen this "self checkout" thing before at that store, but the last time I was there, there were only two or three of them. This time there were.....well, I didn't count them exactly, but I'm tempted to say seven or eight of them. And only two or three regular checkout counters with actual employees were open.
Does anyone else see what's happening here? Someone, somewhere, is trying to abolish all kinds of human contact in favor of aggravation-inducing machines that are less likely to accept your wrinkled cash and are probably buggy. It's a way to rob people of job opportunities, and it's a blatant attempt to promote a robotic, characterless society where people are nothing but numbers on credit cards. I, for one, will sooner starve than live in a world where the only way to get processed food is to be processed yourself.
Or I can go in late at night, eat some food right there in the store, and walk right out.
(As you may have guessed, I do not have a credit card. Nor do I have plans to get one.)
Some day.......I picture a small group of real people leading a long, dark revolution against the plastic people. Phone companies......credit card companies......you name it, they're goin' DOWN. These are our own creations. We created them. If they make us unhappy, we can just as well destroy them. I saw in a comic strip once, there is a distinction between the pursuit of happiness and the actual attainment of happiness. I would be delighted to see that officially changed.....nevermind the pursuit.....simply "happiness" will suffice, thank you very much.
It looks like I'm starting to meander a bit; I take that as a sure sign that I've done enough writing for now.
See ya later
Good starting point, I think: Since maybe November, I've been on Prozac, or at least the generic thereof. Before I started that, I had been on (the generic of) Abilify. At that point, I was going nowhere in life and feeling rather depressed. Now I'm still going nowhere in life, but at least I'm content. And making the occasional joke or six. Two out of three ain't bad.....sadly, it's the other one that's causing my folks to be none of those. And that's the basic setup here. How it will relate to anything else in this entry, I don't know; of course, I've yet to write most of it.......
It's a New Semester!
I did it! I don't know how, but I did it! I got up around six thirty in the morning! On the first day of class! I was actually able to get to my nine thirty class! And I'll quite probably be easily able to make it to that class again today, seeing as I only got up a little while ago, and it's about five now. Rejoice!
Anyway, the teacher of this class seems like she'll be much more helpful than the guy who was in charge when I started the class last semester. And it looks like the requirement this time around is merely two short stories and a revision, rather than three short stories and a revision. I'm still not entirely confident, but I feel a little better. I feel a certain instinctive impulse to blur the line between straight fiction and tripped-out sort of post-modern poetry. I wonder if I'll really be able to get away with this kind of artsy inclination.........I suppose I can ask.......Or I suppose I can just be my radical self and recognize my own genius while being horribly misunderstood and generally held in contempt........
(I'm the most humble person in the world! YES!)
(I've posted that joke before, haven't I?)
After class, I went around to a couple of places searching for a PC with internet. Either all of the supposedly trans-platform computers in the English Building lab have been set to the dreaded Macintosh, or I merely dreamt that whole thing, and there is still hope that the whole university isn't just some anti-Cheshire conspiracy. PCs may not be the greatest thing on this planet, but, in my own experience, they're much better than Macs. I've never really gotten along well with Macs for some reason. Maybe if I can use Remote Desktop on a Mac to access this PC on which I am now, I might get into them more. I highly question whether or not this will be possible. Ever.
It's a New Presidency!
Anyway, I went to the Union to watch the Inauguration. Nice, crowded Courtyard Café, full of people applauding when the time is right, and occasionally giggling for reasons which aren't likely to become apparent anytime soon. The broadcast was shown on some kind of projector, projecting onto the screen at the "front" of the café. It was also shown on the usual televisions that hang from the ceiling in various places around the café. It was one of these that I saw. I heard the audio from the big projection, and I saw the video on the television. They were horribly out of sync; the video must have been a full fifteen seconds ahead of the audio. What were they, on different channels or something?
Nevertheless, I got there I think more or less in time to catch the swearing in of Joe Biden. I think it was after that that Aretha did a bit of singing. (Her glory days are behind her.....) It was then beyond noon, Eastern time, and, according to the voice-over, Biden was president for a few minutes, seeing as he had been sworn in before noon, and then Dubya's term expired. Of course, I heard or read later, I forget which, that the elected Obama should have become president at noon, so I don't know.......anyway, the crowd I was with burst into applause when they heard about Biden being the president. They then did a bit of chuckling during Obama's swearing-in, which was notoriously bungled by both Obama and Chief Justice Roberts (mainly Roberts, I understand). (From what I've read, Obama took the oath again today, just to be sure. I assume they got it right this time.) Obama's inauguration speech, which followed, didn't really feature anything particularly special, but it did draw applause at a few junctures. And that's about all I stuck around for; all in all, I don't feel the inauguration itself was anything special, but everyone seems to insist that it's historic. It is, I feel, still too soon to judge the man; coming into the presidency, my reasoning was that all we knew is that he's a good talker. I think he made a good impression on his first full day, though......I think........
I did vote for him......if only because he knows how to talk.......
.....And possibly because he's simply more, I don't know, likable than McCain.
Anyway, all my best to the man. And good luck...........
It's (Going to Be) a New Cheshire!
At my one o'clock (Central time) appointment, we determined that, this Friday, I'm going to have my "wisdom" teeth out.
(I'm sorry......I couldn't find the right emoticon for this.)
It's a New World Order!
(I do have an emoticon for this one, though:

I don't go shopping very often these days......I mostly leave the shopping to my mother. This time, though, I accompanied her; there wasn't much point going home between two appointments at the clinic on the other side of town. I had seen this "self checkout" thing before at that store, but the last time I was there, there were only two or three of them. This time there were.....well, I didn't count them exactly, but I'm tempted to say seven or eight of them. And only two or three regular checkout counters with actual employees were open.
Does anyone else see what's happening here? Someone, somewhere, is trying to abolish all kinds of human contact in favor of aggravation-inducing machines that are less likely to accept your wrinkled cash and are probably buggy. It's a way to rob people of job opportunities, and it's a blatant attempt to promote a robotic, characterless society where people are nothing but numbers on credit cards. I, for one, will sooner starve than live in a world where the only way to get processed food is to be processed yourself.
Or I can go in late at night, eat some food right there in the store, and walk right out.
(As you may have guessed, I do not have a credit card. Nor do I have plans to get one.)
Some day.......I picture a small group of real people leading a long, dark revolution against the plastic people. Phone companies......credit card companies......you name it, they're goin' DOWN. These are our own creations. We created them. If they make us unhappy, we can just as well destroy them. I saw in a comic strip once, there is a distinction between the pursuit of happiness and the actual attainment of happiness. I would be delighted to see that officially changed.....nevermind the pursuit.....simply "happiness" will suffice, thank you very much.
It looks like I'm starting to meander a bit; I take that as a sure sign that I've done enough writing for now.
See ya later
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I had all kinds of stuff I wanted to write and post here today, and, wouldn't you know it, I'm too tired now. But I'll see if I can remember most of it tomorrow when I have a moment or seven.
Just know that I'm listening to Obama's inauguration speech right now.
Just know that I'm listening to Obama's inauguration speech right now.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Bruce Springsteen - Born in the U.S.A. (A quick sort of personal account by ~C.A.~)
I guess I was in high school when I first heard this album in its entirety. Man, I was ravaged by hormones then; I was on some kind of bizarre high all the time.......and, wow, did "Born in the U.S.A." intensify that high. I have no idea how to explain it.......most of the lyrics on the album are actually rather a downer......but there was just something about the music that gripped me.....made me feel like some kind of stud or something. All I knew was: Springsteen rules.
These days, I've kind of drifted away from that album; I look more to "Born to Run" to get my Springsteen fix now. But every once in a while, I might feel a strange pulse in me.....and reach for the Bs on my CD shelf (Yes, I organize my CDs by first name; I prefer it that way)......and turn it up.........
I played it this morning.
These days, I've kind of drifted away from that album; I look more to "Born to Run" to get my Springsteen fix now. But every once in a while, I might feel a strange pulse in me.....and reach for the Bs on my CD shelf (Yes, I organize my CDs by first name; I prefer it that way)......and turn it up.........
I played it this morning.
Born in the U.S.A.,
Bruce Springsteen,
quick review
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
Eighth Grade Career Day
I just heard something on the television about someone holding an "eighth grade career day." What the hell kind of eighth grader knows what they want to do every single day for the rest of their life? Am I missing something here? I'm twenty-two, some nine years after eighth grade, and I still haven't the faintest idea of what I want to do. Let these kids breathe!
(Can I use the word "hell" without offending someone who reads this?)
(Can I use the word "hell" without offending someone who reads this?)
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Right. This semester I'm fully intent on my second attempt at the "Intro to Narrative Writing" class that seems to be the prerequisite for my relatively new major, which is Rhetoric. Apparently, I have no trouble at all being in charge of a blog with nice little short-and-to-the-point messages that are easy to digest. Coming up with ideas for a full-blown "short story," on the other hand, is rather more of a challenge for me. Last semester, I was in the class for maybe three or four weeks before declining mental health at the time dictated that I drop down to one class. Had I stayed with that class, three short stories plus a revision would have been required from me in the space of some fifteen weeks. With the trouble I have coming up with one idea, coming up with three ideas would take me.....geez....a LOT more than a semester, that much I can tell you. Now, I certainly don't expect the structure of the class to change very much, so.....(deep breath).....I'm going to try. I'm going to bloody well try.
But I think I have my first idea now: a young blogger tries to persuade "the establishment" that old-style literature has had its day, and that The Blog is the new form of popular literature—simple blocks of ideas in simple language for a simple-minded public. (No offense.....) Unsuccessful with the mainstream, our hero(ine) goes underground and stirs the boiling cauldron of revolution, or some such metaphor, and sees just a small bit of progress right before his/her untimely demise........
How 'bout it? Worthy of anything?
(Forgive me if this post seems unfocused; listening to Zappa and writing at the same time is a bit of a trick.......)
But I think I have my first idea now: a young blogger tries to persuade "the establishment" that old-style literature has had its day, and that The Blog is the new form of popular literature—simple blocks of ideas in simple language for a simple-minded public. (No offense.....) Unsuccessful with the mainstream, our hero(ine) goes underground and stirs the boiling cauldron of revolution, or some such metaphor, and sees just a small bit of progress right before his/her untimely demise........
How 'bout it? Worthy of anything?
(Forgive me if this post seems unfocused; listening to Zappa and writing at the same time is a bit of a trick.......)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
My circadian rhythms were written by Neil Peart.
extraterrestrial circadian rhythm,
Neil Peart,
Friday, January 2, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Cheshire Adams - Frequent Flyer
I prefer to spell it that way. So there.
Primitively recorded acoustic psych, with a bit of something that sort of resembles reverb added in Audacity. Vocals recorded separately, so that they may be audible. I wrote this just before the fall '08 semester began.
Your comments are welcome.
My blood is flowing
Rushing down
Above my head
Hovers the ground
Just floating
Hanging around
Then suddenly
It revolves
All reasoning
It dissolves
It's a mystery
I cannot solve
Don't know how I got here
Don't know how I'll return
Don't know a goddamned thing
My brain has burned
I feel I've been
Here before
But I just cannot
Place it for sure
Can't help but wonder
What it's all for
Instinct tells me
I must alight
But I'm so distant
And filled with fright
In this bright night
Don't want to stay up here
Don't want to go down
I sense it far off looming:
The stone-cold ground...........
Primitively recorded acoustic psych, with a bit of something that sort of resembles reverb added in Audacity. Vocals recorded separately, so that they may be audible. I wrote this just before the fall '08 semester began.
Your comments are welcome.
My blood is flowing
Rushing down
Above my head
Hovers the ground
Just floating
Hanging around
Then suddenly
It revolves
All reasoning
It dissolves
It's a mystery
I cannot solve
Don't know how I got here
Don't know how I'll return
Don't know a goddamned thing
My brain has burned
I feel I've been
Here before
But I just cannot
Place it for sure
Can't help but wonder
What it's all for
Instinct tells me
I must alight
But I'm so distant
And filled with fright
In this bright night
Don't want to stay up here
Don't want to go down
I sense it far off looming:
The stone-cold ground...........
Cheshire Adams - It's Psych
One of my first songs here. It's a somewhat outdated ode to one of my favorite hang-out spots in cyberspace:
If you feel you're in a wasteland of trash and ennui,
Let me open your eyes to the fact that this need not be...
Just shed all your thoughts.....hop on your White Bike,
And fly into the ports of It's PSYCH!
The spectral spade digs deep through the annals of time....
Each artifact conquers your senses and channels your mind....
Then sets it aflame.....like a match that you strike,
Sending colors.....through the animate skies of It's PSYCH!
Every tiny aspect of life reverberates so loud....
A tangerine sun shines down through babelfish clouds....
A scenic and breathtaking view....we see on this hike
Look! In the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane!
If you feel you're in a wasteland of trash and ennui,
Let me open your eyes to the fact that this need not be...
Just shed all your thoughts.....hop on your White Bike,
And fly into the ports of It's PSYCH!
The spectral spade digs deep through the annals of time....
Each artifact conquers your senses and channels your mind....
Then sets it aflame.....like a match that you strike,
Sending colors.....through the animate skies of It's PSYCH!
Every tiny aspect of life reverberates so loud....
A tangerine sun shines down through babelfish clouds....
A scenic and breathtaking view....we see on this hike
Look! In the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane!
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