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Update 2020-12-16: (True sticky posts banned; click to read.) So, owing to the evolution of the internet, or at least my own approach to it,...

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Anyone else live in a non-French speaking place who feels that the French language is cropping up in our lives with increasing frequency?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade."

The trouble with this piece of advice is that Life seems to be rather fond of lemonade, and so the more lemonade you make, the more Life will keep giving you lemons, secure in the knowledge that it will have its sweet ambrosia. You don't want more lemons. So, when Life gives me lemons, instead of making lemonade, what I like to do is this: I like to go downtown...and jump up and down in a chicken costume shouting "There's cheese in my ear!" This should very nicely discourage Life from handing me lemons, since I will have proven myself mentally incapable of being its slave and making its lemonade repeatedly. (Unless Life somehow manages to read this.) Just gotta know how to work the system.......

Sunday, July 20, 2008

When Edward becomes excessively angry, he becomes incoherent. He's a not-clear over-reactor.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

More on quiz questions

Sometimes questions will ask you "If you were to blah blah blah, you would _____." Is it really possible to get a question like this wrong? How would the graders know what you would do? There's something fishy here......